- Digital Lucky Draw System

Enable the users to create and manage lucky draw events with ease. Users can customize lucky draw template, export reports, and share lucky draw event access to others.


Not defined.


Product Development
Web Design & Dev
More about this project

Draw Record Keeping and Report

·     This feature enables to automatically record every detail of a draw session. It captures data such as the winners' names, the prizes awarded, and the outcomes of the draw.

Low Price

·     The cost of system is budget-friendly and accessible to a wide range of users, including individuals, small businesses, and organizations with limited budgets.

Easy to Setup

·     The initial configuration process is designed tobe straightforward and intuitive. Users can set up without requiringextensive technical expertise.

Summary of services


·     An intuitive dashboard for easy event management and draw setup.


Lucky Draw Configuration:

·     Ability to create, name events and define event details.

·     Set up and customize the lucky draw parameters.


Collaborator Access:

·     Assign role to collaborator based on their responsibilities.

·     Share the event management details with collaborators.


Random Selection Algorithm:

·     Incorporate a fair and transparent random selection algorithm.


Prize Management:

·     Add and manage prizes for lucky draw sessions.

·     Assign prizes to specific draw sessions.


Draw Sessions:

·     Conduct multiple draw sessions during the event.

·     Real-time random selection and announcement of winners.


Technical Support:

·     Provide technical support for event organizers during the draw sessions.

Record Keeping and Report:

·     Archive past draw sessions and participant data for reference.

·     Generate reports on draw sessions and winners.

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